Thursday, October 2, 2008


I finally did it. Today's the day I have to face one of my worst fears. I've put it off for as long as I can but it had to happen sooner or later.
Today I am going to the dentist!
I've been scared of dentists ever since Mr Robson slapped me when I was six because I wouldn't sit still. Imagine that happening these days! That said, I must have been a chicken even then. I also tried to hide under the doctor's desk because my mother wanted me to have a polio shot. A couple of weeks later, they introduced oral Sabin vaccine at school. I never forgave my mother for that, but I certainly never got polio.
Thankfully, dentists, doctors and our attitudes to small children have all improved, though childhood fears are harder to divest. This dentist is a woman. I have never seen a female dentist before. Fingers crossed!
Just remember to breathe.

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